Alejandro Rioja

Alejandro Rioja built the Device Research Laboratory website during his undergraduate years at UCLA as a Computer Science student. He graduated from UCLA in 2017 and is now a serial entrepreneur.

He has now gone to build his company Flux Ventures (recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as “One of the Most Entrepreneurial Companies in America”), which is comprised by a series of sites such as:

  1. Flux Chargers (which sells portable chargers for iPhone and Android)
  2. Flux.LA (a digital marketing agency)
  3. Future Sharks (which produces interviews to entrepreneurs)
  4. Young Slacker (a Snapchat influencer account)
  5. So Influential (a site about influencers)
  6. The Insurance Nerd (a blog about insurance)
  7. Mentioned (a gossip column)
  8. Total GirlBoss (a site that interviews female entrepreneurs)
  9. Authority Daily (a site about music)
  10. Remarkable (check it out)

When he’s not running his company, you can find him trading stocks and rapping.

You can read more about Alejandro on his blog.